Engleza, întrebare adresată de sebidum2005, 8 ani în urmă

Scrie o naratiune despre 2 barbati care se duceau la surf in engleza si sa folosesti Past Simple, Past continuous, Past Perfect Simple, Past Perfect Continuous si cu cuvintele da-te mai jos​


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Răspuns de Utilizator anonim

It was a sunny Sunday morning when Mark and Johnny decided they wanted to go surfing. With their bare feet , they walked on the beach, the hot golden sand touching their toes. They noticed a sign that said 'No swimming, beware of dangerous Sharks' . The water looked perfect for a surfing session , so they ignored it and went in the water. As they started surfing they noticed something fast approaching. A shark appeared right before their eyes!

They began to surf as rheir life depended on it, but in this rush Mark lost his board. Johnny yelled for him to get onto his boat, and so Mark did.

They paddled to the beach and the other board in pieces. Although they lost Mark's surfing board, at least they were safe. They sighed and thought They were so lucky to be alive.

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