Engleza, întrebare adresată de mitucojan, 9 ani în urmă

scrie o scrisoare unui prieten despre vacanta ta folosind cel puțin doua propoziții la diateza pasiva. În engleza. Va rog

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de xthxbaikitten
Hello, Max!
How has life been? I've been caught up in so many activities I couldn't write to you faster. 
School has been exhausting me with all the work and I have also got a job...My parents are bothering me saying I have bad time management skills, when in reality I'm just bad at waking up in time.
My holidays have been great! Time has passed so fast I didn't even realise until I saw myself at the front door of my high school. I have been to the beach for almost two full months and I've made so many new friends! I am excited to write to them all very soon!

I have been told there will be an exchanging program for students abroad, maybe your school can sign up! How is your family and how has your holiday been? I'm really curious!

I'm looking forward to hearing from you and hope you aren't as tired as I am already!
Love, name.

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