Engleza, întrebare adresată de Madalina311998, 9 ani în urmă

Scrie o scurtă descriere a celui mai interesant loc care l-ai vizitat vreodată. Acesta poate fi o clădire, un oraș sau un peisaj natural. Indicati modul care și de ce va plăcut acel loc .

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de mariansergiu91
In 2007 I went in Greece with my family.We are travelling on the road 24 hours.When we leaving in Greece we are buy a house.I started going to school and learning Greece language .I maked a very good friend who help me in difficult times.We always going every day at the sea and go swimming.We are leave in mountains and we do not had a snow.In Greece we visited historical monuments,we saw there many interesting places and ancient Greek columns.We were in great church 12 trees above it.After the trip we went there to eat and gave us free fresh baked bread with oil and spieces.I am also amazed that the little church supports 12 trees on it and we are very happy.This church have a river and a restaurant near to them.

mariansergiu91: Eu chiar am fost acolo.Sper ca te-am ajutat cit de putin dar totusi.
Madalina311998: Mulțumesc !
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