Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

Scrie-ti 5 propozitii in care sa folosesti verbe la prezentul simplu si prezentul continuu.
Ex:He usually drink water for lunch but monday he is drinking juice

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Leonard
1. John goes to the pool evey week, but this week he is going to play basketball with his colleagues.
2. My tom cat usually eats chicken, but he is eating a piece of salmon at the moment.
3. I visit my friend every evening, but I am not visiting him today because I have too much to study.
4. My parents usually go shopping every day, but today they are staying at home to watch a movie.
5. They have coffee every morning, but today they are having tea because they are sick.
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