Engleza, întrebare adresată de Qwertm, 9 ani în urmă

Scrie un articol despre cum ar putea sa faca lumea sa fie prietena cu natura.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de eusuntbaiat
                     How to make the world to be friends with nature.
Nowadays people, more exactly kids, are not polite. They throw stuff where ever they want, they smoke and pollute the air, they cut down many trees, they pollute rivers and lakes, endanger animals, etc. But there are some people that do the opposite. They plant trees, help homeless animals, throw trash only in the garbage can, etc. But our goal is to make everybody like these people. We try to make everybody friends with nature by putting more garbage cans, putting a limit to hunting, making sure they don't throw away trash where ever they want, by punishing them when they do it, etc. But there are some extra thing that we can do. We can show them how nature looks like when it is dirty, and when it isn't dirty. The will probably make a conclusion, and understand what they have been doing. And then we can tell them that animals have to suffer because of them too. After they understand, they will probably not do it again, and  they will most likely tell their friend not to do it eider.
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