Engleza, întrebare adresată de anamaria200870, 8 ani în urmă

scrie un text despre reciclarea la engleză cu verbele din imagine URGENT DAU COROANA ​


ThatWeirdo: Offf... Asta e o tema mai lunga
ThatWeirdo: Și cam de câte rânduri/cuvinte trebuie sa fie?
anamaria200870: fa cat mai scurta
ThatWeirdo: aa
anamaria200870: cat poti

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de ThatWeirdo

We reached a critical point in the human history. We developed our economy with the price of the nature around us. We destroyed most of it and now we have to work hard to make things better. Pollution has to come to a stop!

But this can't happen without the help of everybody else. We all need to respect some rules, for exemple: check out for any trash we could let behind us, for exemple after a picnic. Pick up and drop them off to the closest recycling bin. If we come across trash that isn't ours we should do the same thing. Cut down on the consumption of water or other limited natural resources. We shouldn't take our electrical waste and leave it near a regular bin but take it to a special collecting center.

To reduce pollution and global warming we should all do a collective effort and do these apparently little things, maybe even suggest or create new ways of protecting the nature. Many people discovered by change incredibil things that help us doing this. Everyone can come up with something useful for this cause.

Look at our surroundings, at every tiny piece of nature and life around you! We come to challenging part of history but it's not the end if we all help with something, even so small.

anamaria200870: multumesc frumos
ThatWeirdo: Cu plăcere
anamaria200870: Buna ma poti ajuta te rog frumos la engleză
anamaria200870: este un ex
anamaria200870: atat
ThatWeirdo: sorry nu ți-am văzut mesajul la timp
anamaria200870: Poti sa te uiti te rog frumos
ThatWeirdo: m-am uitat cred ca e ok cum au făcut
ThatWeirdo: a făcut
anamaria200870: ok
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