Scrieti 10 propoziti in engleza si traduse in romana cu verbul have got.
Răspunsuri la întrebare
I have got a cute puppy dog.
Am un catelus dragut.
Mary has got the most beautiful smile I have ever seen.
Mary are cel mai frumos zambet pe care l-am vazut vreodata.
They have got many question about this event.
Ei au multe intrebari despre acest eveniment.
He has got a new car because th e old one was stolen.
El are o masina noua pt ca cea veche a fost furata.
Do you have got something to say?
Ai ceva sa spui?
I guess I have to stay here.
Cred ca trebuie sa stau aici.
That hotel has such a nice view.
Acel hotel are o priveliste asa frumoasa.
They have a few jokes to say about us.
Ei au cateva glume sa spuna despre noi.
I have a red bag that happens to be like yours.
Am o geanta rosie ca se intampla sa fir ca a ta .
We left earlier sa we can have dinner tonight .
Am plecat mai devreme ca sa putem servi(avea) cina diseara.