Engleza, întrebare adresată de principesa, 10 ani în urmă

scrieti in engleza 10 reguli de comportare la scoala cu cuvintele must si mustn't

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de ibianca2009
must do your homework.
must learn the lessons.
mustn t chew gum.
mustn t talk unpolite with your teacher.
must do the projects.
must be friendly with the classmates.
mustn t fight with a classmate.
mustn t break the window.
Răspuns de BiaBiutzza
To school:
you must to pay attention in class.!
you musn*t run the corridor.!
you must do your homework.!
you musn*t talk bad.!
you must take all the notes when you receive.!
you musn*t to hit students.!
you must ask where you do not understand !

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