Engleza, întrebare adresată de eugen112, 8 ani în urmă

scrieți o compunere cu o intamplare in limba engleza. URGENT, VA ROG Mult PANA MAINE

eugen112: sa stiti ca mai e una la fel dar mai detaliată

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Stropinel
Some time ago, about 5 or 6 weeks, a terrible accident occured inside our elementary school. I was inside the school, in the toilet, you know, doing my thing and then, I saw a guy in the window, he was trying to jump off the school's fences. Once I saw him, I started screaming at him to let him know that the fences are electric and something bad could happen if he would've been touched them. He got scared because, the whole story happened meanwhile courses and he thought at first that the screaming voice was the warder's, not mine. But there was no warder at that time and he mistakenly thought it was him. As soon as he touched the electric fences, a teacher from the school that was heading home after finishing her job saw him electrocuted. He was down to the ground and shaking. The teacher soon called the police, but it was to no end. The guy, which name was Henry, died from the high voltage. I felt so bad that I started crying, I was scared to death because, due to my screaming, the guy thought it was the warder, so he tried to jump off in order to not get into troubles. 5 weeks later from the incident, no one knows that I had something to do with this case. I'm writing this down in my journal as an eliberation. I hope that no one finds this and reads it. Otherwise, I might get into trouble myself.
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