Engleza, întrebare adresată de VB12, 8 ani în urmă

Scrieti o compunere in engleza cu titlul "A wonderful place"

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A wonderful place

When he looked out the window, Stefan saw only a wide meadow. “Grass and grass again. Nothing else, "he used to say. But one morning, the grass seemed to be enchanted, because it looks ...golden, shining in the rays of the sun!

-Come here and see, shouted Stefan, a meadow of a story!

- Oh, you say it's gold! exclaimed Sister Lisa.

In front of the window lay a wonderful carpet of woods. Mom looked astonished:

- I would lie on this lawn, but I would be afraid not to crush the golden flowers!

Ftefan enjoys his eyes every day with the enchanted meadow. And he saw the people walking, stopping and staring at that wonder. And the boy was proud that he was the first who had discovered it.

After a while, Stefan saw that the meadow was changing again: the yellow dandelion flowers had been transformed into delicate white balloons. Ftefan and his sister started to blow in balloons. Then countless umbrellas flew through the sky. Everywhere they fell on the ground the following year the golden pavilions shone again. And who knows if something like this hasn't happened in front of your window!

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