Engleza, întrebare adresată de danciumarius413, 8 ani în urmă

Scrieți o compunere în engleză despre o vacanță neobișnuită. Am nevoie urgent de ea!​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de denisaachiriacc

last year I was with my family on holiday in Turkey, everything was ok until my sisters or lost in hotels so we thought to look for them, it was 8 in the evening and we did not find them we went to the hotel room and to our surprise they were both sleeping there

sper ca e bună

Răspuns de 25iunie2010


A Weird and awsome Vacation

One day, when me and my family wanted to go into an awsome vacation in summer, we packed our stuff and we headed into our car. We were going at Greece. Greece is a really beautifull country, with lots of amazing islands. When we got there, we ended up at a hotel, got our keys for our room. When we opened the room, we suddendly saw ants on the bed . We were freaking out, but we managed to send the ants outside of the window. We took a shower, we unpacked our stuff , and we were looking in our room to see if theres enough space for us, and, there is. The ride took us a whole day to get here, and were actually not disappointed. Its so beautifull out here. Every day we would go to other amazing islands, but one day, we saw some people getting married at the beach. For me, it was so weird. they were taking a lot of photos. My mom secretly took my homework so i can make it at the beach. I made 3-4 exercises at math. The first exercise was hard.

At the beach was so hot, and the water so salty. My mother fell asleep while sunbathing. I was only "swimming" at the edge of the sea, and i still think of myself that im a "good swimmer".

I love beaches and all, but there's only one thing i hate. SALTY WATERS. Like, what happens if i swallow some of the salty water? i tried it once and it was disgusting and super salty..Now im carefull to not repeat the mistake i made. In the afternoon, i was playing with the toys i brought with me. And in night, i couldn't even sleep. it was so weird.But afterall, everything at Greece was wonderfull! I enjoyed it there.

Poți să scurtezi din compunere dacă vrei. Succes in continuare!

25iunie2010: Coroană? nu vreau neapărat dar vreau să fiu pe următorul rang, "☆Master☆". Mă durea mâna in timp ce scrieam compunerea asta.
25iunie2010: lol.
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