Engleza, întrebare adresată de tataturu16, 9 ani în urmă

Scrieți un e-mail unui prieten vorbitor de limbă engleză dintr-o altă țară. Descrieți rezoluția dvs. pentru anul școlar următor. Scrie despre: obiceiuri proaste pe care le schimbi Noi cursuri pe care le urmezi Activitățile pe care intenționați să le întreprindă De ce faci toate astea...

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Iuliajhvn

Răspuns:Dear Marius,

Hope my email finds you well.

I miss you so much. It has been such a long time since I have not see you.

Since this year was a bit difficult because of this coronavirus, my focus on studies was low as well.

I can not wait to start the new year and to focus properly on studies.

I want to do everything I have not done last year.

I want as well to focus more on sport.

We have some new teachers and programs which i want to take advance of.

I hope you miss me too.

Can not wait to meet again and to know about your progress in life.

With love,

( aici pui numele tau)


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