Engleza, întrebare adresată de adomenco, 8 ani în urmă

scrieti un eseu in engleza cu tema " ce provoaca pasivitatea si neglizarea studentilor. AVUTATI VA ROG DAU COROANA.​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de AndreeaIuliana18


When it comes to students their needs are almost in 8/10 cases ignored. The usual explanation of the "why a student doesn't have better results in classes?" is that he is lazy which immediately attracts negative reactions to it. Instead of judging the students for being "lazy", the teachers and the parents could look deeper into this matter. Laziness doesn't mean stupidity, means confusion and a blockage.  The classes have too much theory and too less practice which makes the students lose interest in the subject. It's normal. The human brain cannot keep being focused on a subject more than 15 minutes sharp, after that it's hard to still keep up with the teachers. In my personal opinion classes should be more diverse so that students feel like they are heard and also to avoid passivity to be installed. Learning should be fun and productive at the same time.

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