Engleza, întrebare adresată de SpookyDesign12, 8 ani în urmă

Scrieti un eseu in engleza de aproximativ 150 de cuvinte cu Tema Cum am petrecut sarbatorile de vara.Eseul sa fie la trecut Dau 40 de puncte+coroana!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Andru20082003
Summer feast

I spend the feast in family at country. I was at my grandma and grandpa and there I met my cousins. I was very excited and my step cousin too. I think that he was very happy when He saw me. My step aunt and my step uncle love me so much and of my birthday they gave me a phone. My summer was very beautiful
Am avut și eu aceasta tema dar noua nu ne-a dat de 150 cuvinte noua ne-a spus de maxim 8 randuri Sper ca te-am ajutat măcar putin

SpookyDesign12: Ok Mersi
SpookyDesign12: Dar mai poti adauga ceva?
SpookyDesign12: Ca am nevoie urgent si nu prea ma pricep
Andru20082003: I think that the summer feast in family are the best of holiday.. I love the summer and I would like to come very faster.......Nu mai am idei sper sa te ajute
SpookyDesign12: Iti multumesc din suflet
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