Engleza, întrebare adresată de madalinaduca, 10 ani în urmă

scrieti un eseu scurt despre Daily life, adica activitatea voastra pe care o faceti intr-o zi de dimineata pina seara, sa fie in engleza desigur

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Superfata
dar trebuie sa scrii despre ziua ta nu ziua altora
p.s: daca vrei sa iti zic eu ce fac intro zi completa si obijnuita .Cu placere

madalinaduca: nu conteaza, scrie ce vrei
Superfata: ok
Superfata: in anul scolr?
madalinaduca: cind vrei
madalinaduca: poti scrie si ce faci in weekend
madalinaduca: dar sa fie scrisa in engleza
madalinaduca: pentru ca nu ma prea pricep la engleza
Superfata: weekend:
Răspuns de Dya15
My daily routine is very simple. I wake up ,I eat,brush my teeth,dress up for school and then go to school.On my way to school,I go to my father and he gives me money for school.Sometimes I'm going to my auntie and she forces me to eat but I know she loves me and that's why she does it.Then,at school.I have fun with my friends on the breaks,Sometimes i even take a good grade.After the classes end,I'm going home,eat and then do my homework.After that,I'm playing on my computer and then go to sleep.On weekends,I sleep until 2 pm and then eat,after that I'm playing on my computer,go to my dad or help my mom.I like my routine and i don't think i should change it.
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