Engleza, întrebare adresată de batman100, 7 ani în urmă

Scrieți un scurt eseu pornind de la : " happines is wanting what you have not having what you want".​

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Răspuns de axel0

Happiness is a feeling that we all strive for, but it can be hard to achieve. One way to think about happiness is to focus on wanting what you already have, rather than always wanting what you don't have. This means being grateful for the things you do have, instead of always wanting more.

For example, if you have a loving family, be thankful for that and enjoy the time you spend with them. If you have a roof over your head and food to eat, be grateful for that instead of always wanting more money or a bigger house.

When we focus on wanting what we already have, we start to appreciate the good things in our lives and become happier. On the other hand, if we always focus on wanting more, we will never be satisfied and will always be searching for something that will make us happy.

In short, happiness is not about having everything we want, it's about being content with what we have and being grateful for it. It's important to appreciate the things we have and not always be looking for more.

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