Engleza, întrebare adresată de Pedrolino, 8 ani în urmă

Shopping for clothes Use the phrases on the right to make conversations.Remember,you don't need to buy the clothes if they're not quite what you want.You
are shopping for:
1. a plain black cotton T-shirt
2. a pair of casual trousers,not jeans
3. a pale - coloured V-necked sweater,not too thick.
4. a pair of shorts for skateboarding
( trebuie sa fac un dialog pt fiecare punct cu un vanzator)

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Frînculeț22
1. -Hello,how you doing?
-Hi,good,how about you?
-Really good,thanks.I just came to buy a plain black cotton T-shirt and I thought you'll help me find the best one !
-Oh,sure,count on me.Let's go and see what we have!
2. (You walk into a fancy shop looking for some casual trousers.After a while you still can't find anything and ask the staff)
-Hi,excuse me..could you help me find some cute black casual trousers?I couldn't find any...
-Mmm,let me se... . I'm sorry to tell you but we don't have the trousers you are looking for anymore..
-Oh,don't worry,it's ok.I'm sure I'll find simething else.Thank you anyway.Have a good day!
-Have a good day too!
3. (You walk into your local shop,5 minutes away from your house)
-Hiiii,how are you today?
-Good,really good,thank you!What are you looking for?
-You know..just a really simple V neck sweater..,do you have them in here?
-Perfect!Can you come with me and show me your best ones?..I have this really cool house party and I wanna wear something cute.
-I just found this?Do you like it?
-I absolutley love it!!Thank you,how much is it?
-Only £20 .
4. (You get ready before you go to town for buying yourself a pear of shorts for skateboarding.You walk with your parents into a really cool shop)
-What should we get,son?
-I want a pear of skateboarding shorts.Do you reckon they have them in here?It seems like a really nice shop..
-Yeaah,let's give it a try.But let's ask the lady here first.
-Hello!Wellcome!What can I help you with?
-Do you have any skateboarding shorts here?
-Sure.Come with me.
(You follow the lady as she shows you the perfect shorts)
-Do you like them?
-I love them.How much is it?
-It costs £10 .
-Perfect!I'll get those!

*sper sa fie bine si sa iti placa :)*

Frînculeț22: something*
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