Engleza, întrebare adresată de andreeacristea499, 8 ani în urmă

Short compozition about remember this summer. Some ideas, impresions. Pls, am nevoie de asta. ​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Elena1elle

Răspuns:This summer passed really quickly by, but in the meantime I've had such a good time!

For starters, I went to the seaside in june and I finally had a chance to see the Delphinarium. The show was surely deserving of awe, for it had been something I had never seen before!

Then, in July, I had the chance to go to Italy with my best friend and her family. It was the first time I went to a foreign country and I can wholeheartedly admit that I loved every minute of it. From the beautiful views to the italian cuisine, every day was a new chance to try something new.

After I came back home, I even started taking Italian lessons. I wish I could live there one day!

Even if summer is ending soon, I know that the next one is waiting for me and perhaps there's another adventure waiting for me.


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