Engleza, întrebare adresată de putineanualexandra, 8 ani în urmă

Signal Words
Find the signal words for simple present.
1. Which is a signal word for simple present?
now last Monday often
2. Which is a signal word for simple present?
sometimes at the moment yesterday
3. Which is a signal word for simple present?
last Friday every Friday next Friday
4. Which is not a signal word for simple present?
never already usually
5. Which is not a signal word for simple present?
Listen! first ... then ... seldom
Before submitting the test, check the following
Got the spelling right?
Put in the full stop or question mark where required?
Used the correct key to type the apostrophe (Shift and #)?
In the test we cannot give you a second try. Such careless mistakes would therefore
cost you valuable points.

va rog repede dau de toate​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de ciimliim5



putineanualexandra: nu am înțeles răspunsul tău. Mă poți ajuta?
mirunabeatricemoisa: Offf
mirunabeatricemoisa: Nu intelegi?
mirunabeatricemoisa: A dat acel rasp numai pentru puncte
mirunabeatricemoisa: Ca și cum as zice:
mirunabeatricemoisa: Nu știu
mirunabeatricemoisa: Ca răspuns
putineanualexandra: muam dat seama, dar sa stii ca nu e frumos
putineanualexandra: *miam
putineanualexandra: in fine, nu mai conteaza
Răspuns de Utilizator anonim



1 often

2 sometimes

3 every friday


5 then

putineanualexandra: ms
putineanualexandra: muult
rrobertpopa2009: mersi mane
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