Engleza, întrebare adresată de supernou, 9 ani în urmă

Simple Present Tense (pune verbul din paranteza, rescrie propozitia corect)
-Children... (to like) to play in the sand.
-Tommy ... (to like) dogs.
-George ... (to wake up) at 7 o'clok.
-Mary ... )to hate) spiders.
-My teacher ... (to give) lessons over the radio every week.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Klaus945
Like likes wakes up hates gives

supernou: ex. la children pun apostrof s
supernou: children's
Klaus945: Nu, nu pui nimic
supernou: ok esti sigur?? ms
Klaus945: Da
Răspuns de RockInMicrofon
Children liked to play in the sand
Tommy liked dogs
George waked up at 7 oclok
Mary hated spiders
My teacher gave lessons over the radio every week

Klaus945: E simple present, nu past simple
RockInMicrofon: aaaa blin sorry
RockInMicrofon: cum sa udalesc?
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