Engleza, întrebare adresată de skskskssk, 8 ani în urmă

sorry pt scris;-; și cuvintele astea​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de ezi73





-(nu înțeleg)



-cinemauri si tearte




skskskssk: trebuiau propoziții cu ele nu traducerea;-;
skskskssk: am uitat sa spun!..
ezi73: ohhh
ezi73: pai pot sa rezolv
ezi73: 1 tommorow i got school
skskskssk: oki
ezi73: 2 my little brother was at two kindergarden's
ezi73: de fapt cnv tia raspuns dexi pori sa iei de la ei ;v;
skskskssk: am vzt:))
skskskssk: da oricum ms
Răspuns de shadowofviking96

There are a lot of schools in our town, so every kid has a place to learn.

The kindergarten where my sister was going was closed yesterday.

The chemist's project was very good.

The only neurosurgeon in the hospital was missing that day.

There were a lot of museums in that town because it was a historical one.

The baker's cookies were the best ones in our town.

We went to the cinema and bought some popcorn

We went to the theater with the whole class.

The butcher's meat was the only fresh meat you could find in our country.

She met her new friend at the caffe near by.

They stayed at a hotel that night.

shadowofviking96: scuze ca a durat asa mult
skskskssk: te ador*^*
skskskssk: n are nik
shadowofviking96: okey
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