SPEAKING Answer the questions. Take notes
Then compare your answers with a partner.
Which are your favourite subjects? Which don
you like? Why?
2 Which of the subjects are you studying this year
3 How long have you studied each subject?

Răspunsuri la întrebare
1. My favourite subjects are maths, English and P.E. But, there are some subjects that do not appeal to me, to be more specific I dislike computer programming, because I do not understand how it works and music, giving the fact that I do not have a musical ear.
2. This year I am studying French, English, music, computer programming, physics, Romanian, P.E., civic culture, geography, history, religion, technological education and a class with our class's master.
3. I have studied French for 2 years, English for 6 years, music for 6 years, computer programming for 2 years, physics for 6 months, Romanian for 6 years, P.E. for 6 years, civic culture for 4 years, geography for 3 years, history for 3 years, religion for 6 years, technological education for 2 years and class with our class's master for 2 years.