srierea fonetica a cuvintelor:knight,suit of armour,castle,king,queen,hunt,bake oven,butler,carry, they lived,carried,they dresed,at the feast,they baked,cooks worked,hunters hunted,oll night,they listened,expensive clothes,
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Răspuns de
Knight = naɪt
suit of armour = sjuːt ɒv ˈɑːmə
castle = ˈkɑːsl
king = kɪŋ
queen = kwiːn
hunt = hʌnt
bake oven = beɪk ˈʌvn
butler = ˈbʌtlə
carry = ˈkæri
they lived = ðeɪ lɪvd
carried = ˈkærid
they dressed = ðeɪ dresed
at the feast = æt ðə fiːst
they baked = ðeɪ beɪkt
cooks worked = kʊks wɜːkt
hunters hunted = ˈhʌntəz ˈhʌntɪd
all night = ɔːl naɪt
they listened = ðeɪ ˈlɪsnd
expensive clothes = ɪksˈpɛnsɪv kləʊðz
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