Engleza, întrebare adresată de cataragadanuta, 8 ani în urmă

summarize the text how to befriend

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Utilizator anonim
I can not imagine my life without friends.

They are one of the most important aspects of life.

We need them to share both our joys and our anger.

It is good to know this and learn from time to appreciate and keep them close to us.

For me, my best friend means a lot.

Every time I needed it he was with me.

He is a sincere person who can never lie to me no matter what the situation.

He has proven to me many times that he is not a fake friend and has managed to win my trust.

We have learned to entertain, to learn from each other, to complain to each other when we are hard and the most important thing to respect.

Since we are friends I understand that you can not have a true friend without respect and without permission.

I wish very much that our friendship lasts a lifetime.

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