Engleza, întrebare adresată de vanesadenes27, 8 ani în urmă

Sunt la lectia ,, Temporal Clauses with when , as soon as , before , after , while si verb la Future Simple (will+ verb)

Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii:
Îți voi da cheile de îndată ce le voi vedea.

Aș putea sa plec pentru cateva zile dupa ce voi obtine rezultatele

Ei vor alege candidații cand toate formulele de aplicatie vor fi introduse

Vei lua un pranz la pachet cand vei iesi

Noi ne vom hotarî de îndata ce vom sti toate problemele

Daca nu vei încetini te va prinde poliția 

Nu te vei simti in siguranță faca nu iti ți ambele maini pe volan

Daca nu vei porni farurile alti soferi nu te vor vedea

Daca nu te vei uita in oglinda inainte sa depasesti o masina te va lovi din spate


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de floraalex30


i will give your keys soon as i see them.I couldgo for a few days after i will get the results. they will chose the candidates when all the application forms will be inserted. you will have a pocket lunch when you leave.We will decide soon as we know all the problems. If you don't slow down the police will catch you.You won'tfeel safeif you don't keep both hands on the wheel.If you don't look in the mirror before you overtake a car will hit you from behind.

Răspuns de Mercyy


I'll give you the keys as soon as I see them.

I could leave for a few days after I obtain the answers.

They'll choose the  candidates when all the aplications are filled.

You'll take lunch when you'll leave.

We'll decide as soon as we know all the problems.

If you don't slow down the police will catch you.

You won't feel safe if you don't keep both hands on the  steering wheel .

If you don't turn on the headlights other drivers won't see you.

If you don't look in the mirror before you pass a car it'll hit you.

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