Engleza, întrebare adresată de timeeavlad2646, 8 ani în urmă

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Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de novaisdumb


1. The Lake Ontario is one of the five Great Lakes in North America.

2. Andrew and Alice went to school yesterday and then studied in the library before returning home.

3. There are only a few seats left for tonight's musical at the university.

4. When you go to the supermarket please buy a bottle of chocolate milk and a dozen oranges.

5. Your car is 5 years old and it still runs well.

6. No one in the German class knew the correct answer to Mr. Gruber's question.

7. The red books on the table are for our Geography class.

8. Please give me a cup of coffee with cream and sugar.

9. The judge asked the witness to tell the truth.

10. Margaret is studying Physics and Chemistry this term.

11. The Statue of Liberty was a friendship gift from France to the United States.

12. Peter's dad bought him the ball that he wanted for his birthday.

13. Our cousin is in the hospital so we went to visit him last night.

14. Queen Elizabeth is the monarch of Great Britain.

15. On our trip to Brazil, we crossed the Atlantic Ocean.

16. While Ted was in Alaska, he visited an Eskimo village.

17. The Declaration of Independence was drawn up in 1776.

18. The armchair she is sitting in is broken.

19. The Civil War was faught in the United States between 1861 and 1865.

20. Two nights ago there was a bird singing outside our house.

21. George can't go to the cinema because he has to write an essay.

22. Scientists hope to send an expedition to Mars during the 1990s.

23. John has been admitted to the School of Medicine at Cambridge University.

24. Emma plays the guitar and her brother plays the violin.

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