Engleza, întrebare adresată de ROBRANDY, 8 ani în urmă

talk/write about a member of your family. (100-150 de cuvinte) ​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de jyqpygzzg6
I will tell you some things about my mother. She is about one meter and seventy centimeters, she has brown/blonde hair and blue/brown/green eyes. She loves animals and is very gentle, her favorite animals are dogs and she has always wanted to have a large dog like a Great Dane. Her favorite color is blue and she likes to look at the sky with me and we say what shapes the clouds have. She likes pop music, but she chooses a favorite artist every week, so I think I could say that she is a rather indecisive person.

My mother likes to read, when I was younger she used to read me stories before I fell asleep. SHe is also a great cook and makes a brilliant chocolate cake, we always finish that cake in 2 seconds.
I also love her laugh, she had a colorful laugh that makes her jokes even funnier because she starts laughing in the middle of the joke.

My mother is a funny, creative and sweet person, but above all she is a brave and strong person, she manages to get rid of any problem with a smile on her face and puts always our family first.
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