Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 8 ani în urmă

1.Find words in this wordsearch grid to complete the sentences
1. Tina must be downloading
something from the Internet. Here
phone has been... ...... for
2. To move the cursor on a
laptop you generally use a small
pad de button instead of a....... .
3. I'd really like a new flat screen........
for my computer.
4.The... on my mobile phone is so tiny I can hardly see the numbers.
5. When we uploaded the photos we took at the party, unfortunately
they were all out of . - - - - . . . . . ....
6. I had to buy a special . . . . . . . so that I could rechange my mobile phone in the UK.
7. I generally save important . - - --- onto a CD just
in case something goes wrong with the hard . . . . . .of my computer.
8. Do you check your - - - - - - - . - from an Internet café
when you're on holiday?​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Iepurasul2020


1. Search for words in this word search grid to complete sentences

1. Tina has to unload

something on the Internet. Here

the phone was to download something for


2. To move the cursor to a

laptop generally use a small

button pad instead of stick

3. I would really like a new flat and shiny screen

for my computer.

4.The screen on my cell phone is so small that I can barely see the numbers.

5. When I uploaded the photos I took at the party, unfortunately

they were all outside. frame.

6. I had to buy a special. Simcarta to be able to change my mobile phone in the UK.

7. In general, I save significantly. money on a CD only

in case something goes wrong with something on my computer.

8. Check the name. From an Internet cafe

when are you on vacation?

Sper ca te-am ajutat.

Utilizator anonim: Multumesc mult
Utilizator anonim: iepurașul 2020
Iepurasul2020: cuplacere
Iepurasul2020: apropo ma numesc Ana
Utilizator anonim: Bună Ana!
Iepurasul2020: buna
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