Engleza, întrebare adresată de Aura1320, 8 ani în urmă

text de 150 cuvinte despre cum vor arata joburile in anul 2075

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de lucianitu


  • The jobs of 2075 will be very different from the jobs of today. With the advances in technology, many jobs that are done by humans today will be done by robots or computers. For example, jobs like data entry or customer service will be automated. However, there will still be a need for jobs that require human interaction and creativity. Some examples of these types of jobs include marketing, advertising, and product design. With the increase in technology, there will also be a need for jobs that involve repairing and maintaining that technology. Therefore, jobs in the fields of computer science, engineering, and robotics will be in high demand. With the increase in automation, there will also be a decrease in the need for manual labor. This means that jobs like construction, manufacturing, and agriculture will become less common.
  • The most important thing for job seekers in 2075 will be to be adaptable and to have a willingness to learn new things. The jobs of tomorrow will require skills that we cannot even imagine today, so it is important to be prepared to learn and to be flexible.
  • In 2075, the job market will be very different than it is today, but there will still be opportunities for those who are willing to adapt and learn new skills.
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