Engleza, întrebare adresată de Mohameeeed, 8 ani în urmă

Text despre un oraș imaginar in engleză

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de stefansava245


One day I imagined a big city full of people and animals who got along well everything was happy no more cars and everything was safe they ate huge blocks of beautiful floors

stefansava245: there were daily parades and all the people marching in the streets playing guitars and various instruments were many people who dressed in the most beautiful costumes
stefansava245: nobody in that city was unfair you were all equal and they loved each other nobody steals there is no police and food was free there were no homeless people
Răspuns de Kassmoonlight

aș fi vrut sa te ajut doar ca imi spune "Nepoliticos nu folosim astfel de cuvinte aici" Eu doar am vorbit de unicorni

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