Engleza, întrebare adresată de janupavel82, 8 ani în urmă

text despre viitor(2050-2060) cu might, may și will in engleză(10 propozitii) Va rog urgent ​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Utilizator anonim


                                     The future

In years 2050 - 2060, the future, the world might be fully changed.

The Earth may not look, be or seem the same.

Who knows what is gonna happen?

Maybe in the future will live aliens, maybe we will live along them, maybe we will still live on Earth...

We don't know what is gonna happen in the future.

In 30 years, maybe we will evolve even more than now. We are now evolved, too.

Are there gonna be more than 7 billion living on Earth?

Is everything green going to vanish?

Are we still gonna be alive?

Are the cities gonna be even bigger than now?

We don't know. But we will certainly find out only in the future!


janupavel82: mulțumesc mult
Utilizator anonim: cu placere :)
Răspuns de Evelya



In 2050 we might have air-buses.

When not 2050, than we might have in 2060.

I may have a robot-friend.

I wil fly with one of these air-buses.

Or maybe i will have a flyin motorcicle.

It is possibil, that in stors we might have robot-seller.

And for sure I will have an arm-phone.

nu-mi vin asa repede altele...

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