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Era o seara linistita de Decembrie.Era ziua de dinaintea Craciunului.Toata ziua, cerul gri nu lasase soa... Mai mult
RomânăFrancezăEngleză---------------Identifică limbaAfrikaansAlbanezăArabăArmeanăAzerăBascăBengalezăBielorusăBirmanezăBosniacăBulgarăCatalanăCebuanăCehăChineză (Simplificată)Chineză (Tradiţională)CoreeanăCroatăDanezăEbraicăEnglezăEsperantoEstonianăFilipinezăFinlandezăFrancezăGalezăGalicianăGeorgianăGermanăGreacăGujaratiHaitianăHausaHindiHmongIdișIgboIndonezianăIrlandezăIslandezăItalianăJaponezăJavanezăKannadaKazahăKhmerăLaoțianăLatinăLetonăLituanianăMacedoneanăMaghiarăMalaezăMalayalamMalgașăMaltezăMaoriMarathiMongolăNorvegianăNyanjaOlandezăPersanăPolonezăPortughezăPunjabiRomânăRusăSârbăSinghalezăSlovacăSlovenăSomalezăSpaniolăSuedezăSundanezăSwahiliTadjicăTamilăTeluguThailandezăTurcăUcraineanăUrduUzbecăVietnamezăYorubaZuluRomână
It was a quiet evening the day before Craciunului.Toata Decembrie.Era day, gray skies to watch the sun ...Mai mult
EnglezăRomână---------------AfrikaansAlbanezăArabăArmeanăAzerăBascăBengalezăBielorusăBirmanezăBosniacăBulgarăCatalanăCebuanăCehăChineză (Simplificată)Chineză (Tradiţională)CoreeanăCroatăDanezăEbraicăEnglezăEsperantoEstonianăFilipinezăFinlandezăFrancezăGalezăGalicianăGeorgianăGermanăGreacăGujaratiHaitianăHausaHindiHmongIdișIgboIndonezianăIrlandezăIslandezăItalianăJaponezăJavanezăKannadaKazahăKhmerăLaoțianăLatinăLetonăLituanianăMacedoneanăMaghiarăMalaezăMalayalamMalgașăMaltezăMaoriMarathiMongolăNepalezăNorvegianăNyanjaOlandezăPersanăPolonezăPortughezăPunjabiRomânăRusăSârbăSinghalezăSlovacăSlovenăSomalezăSpaniolăSuedezăSundanezăSwahiliTadjicăTamilăTeluguThailandezăTurcăUcraineanăUrduUzbecăVietnamezăYorubaZuluEngleză
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It was a quiet evening the day before Craciunului.Toata Decembrie.Era day, gray skies to watch the sun does not leave the ground covered cold winter duvet.
Fierce northern wind playing in the sky with clouds, heavy snow Being outlined nastrusnice.Fulgii snowflake shapes them rotate in a dizzying dance silver, calling us if we joined them in this dance minunat.O cold white blanket covered the earth black.
In our house, large bustle, the mother was doing hard cakes, and I, along with my dad tree adorned with thousands of lights with different shapes and colors very frumoase.Deodata came a tinkling bell and cheerful voices of children ... .erau singers who come every year with carols to announce the birth Mantuitorului.Se dusk, the moon rises over the houses elegant as a queen of fluffy snow covered barely a breath bedding and throw like a mirror crystal pieces, making snow very brilliant .We was full of bright stars that they like waiting and Santa's arrival.
In the morning spell loses its charm night, and a curtain of mist shortly iveste.Peste old man raises his wonderful sun rays shining over the mountains.
In my house it was quiet, just plant the tree was heard, I was thinking what Santa brought it to me and we eager to hear his mother's voice calling out to me to see gifts than expected.
Soon came the door, was the mother, glad I asked her if Santa came and noi.Aceasta replied yes and I jumped at the tree happy and I enjoyed the gifts received with family.
In the afternoon I went out with my dad and I made a big zapada.I man we called, Queen snowflakes "because it was made of thousands of flakes stralucitori.Ne I had a great time.
Sper sa Îți fie de folos.☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺
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