Engleza, întrebare adresată de Kedavr, 9 ani în urmă

The first locomotive or train engine was powered by steam and ran on rails for the first
time __________________ (in/at/ by) the beginning of the nineteenth century. It
__________________ (to design) by Richard Trevithick, an Englishman, who was
certain that steam power ___________________ (to have) a future. In fact,
__________________ (their/ its/ it’s) future was fairly short-lived. By the late 1800s,
electric trains __________________(to begin) to replace the noisy, smoky, steampowered locomotive.
Next, railways changed the world. For the first time in history, people and goods
could ________________ (to transport) long distances and at high speed.
__________________ (The/ A/ -) train is a fast, comfortable way to get to other
locations. High-speed trains can move at 300 kilometres per hour, and Japan already
has trains which are held up by magnetic force and __________________
(should/can/must) reach speeds of 480 kph. In addition, trains use _____________
(little/less/the least) fuel than cars. Richard Trevithick may not have foreseen such
developments but certainly he __________________ (to approve) of them.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de EuAnaMaria
The first locomotive or train engine was powered by steam and ran on rails for the first
time ________in__________ (in/at/ by) the beginning of the nineteenth century. It
_______designed___________ (to design) by Richard Trevithick, an Englishman, who was
certain that steam power ___________________ (to have) a future. In fact,
__________________ (their/ its/ it’s) future was fairly short-lived. By the late 1800s,
electric trains __________________(to begin) to replace the noisy, smoky, steampowered locomotive.
Next, railways changed the world. For the first time in history, people and goods
could ________________ (to transport) long distances and at high speed.
__________________ (The/ A/ -) train is a fast, comfortable way to get to other
locations. High-speed trains can move at 300 kilometres per hour, and Japan already
has trains which are held up by magnetic force and __________________
(should/can/must) reach speeds of 480 kph. In addition, trains use _____________
(little/less/the least) fuel than cars. Richard Trevithick may not have foreseen such
developments but certainly he __________________ (to approve) of them.
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