The renowned theatre director Silviu Purcarete brings Oresteia- his newest adaption of an Aeschylus tragedy- to four of the largest stages in Britain and
Ireland this autumn. Premiered at the Recklinghausen Festival , tihs epic brought audiences to their feet. the critics praised Pucarete's adaptation highly in the German press in the summer. Purcarete's haunting theatrical style is well known in the UK and ireland. Phaedra was beautiflul adapted in 1995. The following year, audiences in Birmingham , Glasgow and Dublin were enthralled by Les Danaides. his controversial Titus Andronicus amazed audiences in 1997 .Oresteia continues Puracerete's fascination with ancient classical texts and their timeless themes. My taste is for classical literature because it's the most modern literature possible, he explains. Aeschylus drama of family murder and revenge explores the conflict between duty and morality passionately. Purcarete's special gifts as a visual director make the most of the story . i try to create an image that should be clear for a modern audience the director explains. Performed in Romanian with English surtitles.
Scan the leaflet .Complete the sentences.
1)The name of the play the director.
2)The play is on at Birmingham.
3)The cheapest matinee ticket is $..
4)If you go on a school trip, you only pay$........for some performances.
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Răspuns de
1) The name of the play is Oresteia ,Silviu Purcatete is the director. 2) The play is on at the 7.30 pm in Birmingham. 3) The cheapest matimee ticket is £ 7,25. 4) If you go on a school trip ,you only pay £6,50 for some performances. P.S.: l-am facut cu profa in clasa sper sa te ajute.
1.The name of the play is Orestria. 2.Silviu Purcarete is the director..3.The play is on at Birmingham Rep in Birminghan. 4. Rhe cheapest matinèe ticket is £7,25. 5.If you go on school trip,you only pay £6 for some performances. Scuze daca sunt greseli dar am scris repede. Sper ca ajutat
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