Engleza, întrebare adresată de danmarcen000, 8 ani în urmă

The Taylors are expecting guests. Their friends
from Scotland, the Parkers, are coming on
visit. The Taylors usually receive guests in the
floor. On the left, there is a sofa with some
Expeeting Guests
living-room. Mrs Taylor put some flowers
vase to make the room more beautiful,
It is a large room with a brown carpet om die
cushions on it. Next to the sofa, there is a T
set. Opposite the sofa, there is a sideboard.
the left, there is a bookcase full of books
English, French and German. To the right of the
sideboard, there are two armchairs and a low table
for newspapers and magazines. The furniture in
the living-room is modern and quite new. On om
of the walls, there is a beautiful picture.
Mrs Taylor has laid the table in the dining-
room. It is an oval oak table covered with
tablecloth. There are nine chairs at the table.
Mrs Taylor looks around her to check if every
thing is ready for the guests' arrival. She has laid
the table in the usual way and has put the right
number of knives, forks, spoons and glass
for each person. There is also pepper, salt, oil
vinegar and mustard on the table. Mrs Tavlor has
put the napkins on the left of each plate.
Everything looks splendid. She hopes they will
all have a delightful evening together​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de willow61


Care e cerința?Sau mai bine zis ce trebuie sa faci

danmarcen000: de tradus
willow61: Aha
willow61: Familia Taylor așteaptă invitați.
willow61: Prietenii lor din Scoția,familia Parker va veni în vizită.Familia Taylor primește oaspeții,de obicei, la parter.
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