Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

The two men, Lacey and Barnes, waited in their car about a quarter of a mile from the big house. They sat there in the darkness, smoking, hardly talking. It was now a little after midnight.
At last they saw a light in one-of the upstairs windows. It flashed once.
5 twice, three times. "That's the signal," lacey said. Both men got out of the car. They were wearing dark clothes. They now put on gloves. Lacey had a small bag of tools.
"Can I bring the gun?" Barnes asked.
"How many times must I tell you! No guns!" Lacey snapped. "Not while
10 you're working with me."
They entered the garden through a small side gate.
"I hope there aren't any dogs," Barnes said as they crept round the edge of the garden. They were going towards the back of the house.
"There are no dogs and no people here," Lacey told him. "Except for our
15 friend upstairs. Now keep quiet and follow me!"
They entered a big yard at the back of the house.
"That's the window over there," Lacey said, pointing to a small window near the kitchen door. "You wait here. I'll get through the kitchen window. If I can't open the door, you'll have to climb through the window too."
20 Lacey crossed the yard. He opened the window without difficulty and climbed through. But the kitchen door was locked and the key was not there. He went to the window and whistled to Barnes.
"You'll have to climb through the window, too," he said.
Just at that moment they heard the sound of a car. It was approaching the
25 house at great speed and its lights lit up the house as it got nearer. People got out and they could hear voices.
"It's the police!" Barnes said. "It's a trap. I knew it!"
"Don't panic!" Lacey told him. "Now listen to me. Go back to the car and wait for me there. I'll join you as soon as I can. Off you go - and keep well 30 in the shadows."

Identify the correct variant (True/False).Justify your choise,

1)It was 12 o'clock sharp at night.

2)The kitchen door was open

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Bontra
1 is false because in the text it said that " It was now a little after midnight."
2 is false too because the door was locked with a ket that they couldn't find and it was necessary for them both cu climbe the window: " But the kitchen door was locked and the key was not there "
Sper ca te-am ajutat , iar daca nu intelegi pot sa iti si traduc daca ceri :)

Utilizator anonim: Mersi mult,eu nu am inteles textul deaceea am pus intrebarea asta
Răspuns de lausik17
1. The first sentence is false because in the first paragraph of te text, it says that "it was a little after midnight".
2. The second sentence is also False, because when Lacey climbed up at the window, she verified the kitchen door and it was locked, so she tol Barnes that he has to climb at the window too.
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