Engleza, întrebare adresată de burdia72, 7 ani în urmă

The UNITED STATES of AMERICA The USA is the third largest country in the world. The United States are a union of states. Initially, there were thirteen states. After 1776 new states joined the USA and today there are fifty states. The national flag of the USA has 13 stripes and 50 white stars on blue background. The stripes represent the first thirteen states and the fifty stars represent the number of states at present. The capital of the USA is Washington, D.C. It is situated on the Potomac River. It is a beautiful city with broad avenues lined with trees. Mace ng DC Most Government buildings are in the same area as the Capitol and the White House. The Capitol is the place where Congress meets. The White House is the home of the US president. The city of Washington has many monuments. Three of them honour the memory of very great presidents: the Washington Monument, the Lincoln Memorial and the Jefferson Memorial. There is much natural beauty in the city's parks. The most famous attraction of the parks is the Japanese cherry-trees. They were a gift from Japan long ago. When these trees bloom, thousands of visitors come to Washington to see them.

Scrieti tot ce este iportat pentru a povesti din el dau coroana ca mi la dat de povestit​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de ratairisalexandra46


Important. The UNITED STATES of AMERICA The USA is the third largest country in the world.

Initially, there were thirteen states. After 1776 new states joined the USA and today there are fifty states.

The national flag of the USA has 13 stripes and 50 white stars on blue background.

The capital of the USA is Washington, D.C.

(cam totul e important)

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