Engleza, întrebare adresată de alexianic, 9 ani în urmă

There are 18 incorrect homophones. Find them and correct
Do you remember the story of the widow who gave her last mite? This was a grate sacrifice, four she was pour and had only that won might too by meet four her bear table. Two her, then, the coin was deer, but she confidently gave it inn faith. She was willing two weight and sea how God wood provide her kneads

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Geta1955

grate - great

four - for

pour - poor

won - one

might - mite

too - to

by - buy

meet - meat

four - for

bear - bare

two - to

deer - dear

inn - in

two - to

weight - wait

sea - see

wood - would

kneads - needs

Utilizator anonim: ma ajuți și pe mine te rog ?
marianagoran: Incorect bare , deer , wait
Geta1955: Toate sunt corecte. Probabil nu ai inteles textul; iata-l in romana: "Va aduceti aminte de povestea vaduvei care si-a dat ultimul banut? Acesta a fost un sacrificiu imens, pentru ca ea era saraca si avea doar acel banut sa cumpere carne pentru masa goala. Pentru ea, atunci, moneda era nepretuita, dar ea a dat-o cu buna credinta. Era dispusa sa astepte si sa vada cum ii va da Dumnezeu cele necesare"
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