Engleza, întrebare adresată de picioread, 9 ani în urmă

Think back to ten years ago and answer the following questions.
1. Which other members of your family did you use to visit? Which visits did you enjoy the most? Why?
2. Did you ever use to stay with other relatives or friends without your parents? What did you do on these visits?
3. Is it a good thing for children to get used to spending time away from their parents? Why?
4. What was you town centre like ten years ago? Did you use to go there often?
5. Do you still like going there? What do you do there now that you didn't use to do?
Va rog frumos sa ma ajutati este urgent dau coroana multumesc

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de AnaLovesSchool
1-I use to visit my grandpa and grandma because they will always give me money and grandma was the best cooker in the entire world..
2-No because I was a little child and my parents didn't let me go alone..They always said that there are bad people out there...
3-no..Children should stay more with there parents because the time is passing by and memories will always be there...You can fell how time is running and the years will be gone...(Nu prea am avut inspiratie la asta:(Poate faci tu ceva mai fain:,)

AnaLovesSchool: 4-yeah..My parents always take me to the town center and bought me some toys to play...The town center ten years ago wasn't that beautiful like now
AnaLovesSchool: 5-I don't go there so often..I like to go in the park now or in the mal..The center is a little far from my home so I go there just in special times
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