Engleza, întrebare adresată de jessybaby, 8 ani în urmă

To clone or not to clone?
Jane is blind and has a guide dog called Bobby. Bobby has been her guide dog for 10

years but is getting old. Bobby is Jayne’s best friend and she feels that without him she couldn’t live. Should Jayne be allowed to clone Bobby before he dies?

Should people be allowed to clone their pets?

There is only one Giant Panda left on earth. It does not have a partner to breed with so once it dies the species will be extinct. Should scientists be allowed to clone another Giant Panda to keep the species alive?

Should scientists be allowed to clone endangered species?

Răspunsuri la întrebare

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deci,daca e pentru nota eu as zice asa:

Yes,Jane should be allowed to clone Bobby because while getting another dog,would not be the same,and her parents or someone else will have to teach the dog to do certain thing like,give her water from the fridge or bring her something like a toy,but,if the scientists will clone Bobby,assuming he keeps his memory and gets a litlle bit younger i say its all right for scientist to clone Bobby,so yes people should be allowe to clone their pets

Yes,scientists should be allowe to clone indangers spieces,but  not a lot of them becauese they will be able to escape somehow,(s-a intamplat acum cred ca 7 ani,au iesit cateva exemplare de o  specie de rinoceri),and be killed by poachers.So yes,scientists should be allowe to clone indengared spieces.

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