Engleza, întrebare adresată de Cristi20184, 8 ani în urmă

(to live) -
(to be
(to be
(to go)
to think) --
la past trecut​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de biancac4342

(to live)

I lived

you lived

he/she/it lived

we lived

you lived

they lived

(to be)

I was/were

you was/were

he/she/it was/were

we was/were

you was/were

they was/were

(to go)

I went

you went

he/she/it went

we went

you went

they went

(to think)

I thought

you thought

he/she/it thought

we thought

you thought

they thought

I hope they are correct:)

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