Engleza, întrebare adresată de izabela12345i, 8 ani în urmă

Toate exercițiile în afară de 5 și 6


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Mari2359

1) Happy; Tired; Bored; Envious;

2)listened; worked; played; waited; showed; wanted; walked; need;

3)Sam stopped playing rugby last year.

We studied hard for the English test.

We chatted on the phone for hours.

She arrived two hours late.

My parents travelled to the concert by train.

I lived in Mexico for two years.

4)We went to Greece for our holidays.

They left on the first train.

My friends gave me a surprise party last weekend.

I wrote them an email about it.

I saw my old friend at the concert.

I knew all about it before them.

Sper ca te-am ajutat!

Mari2359: Coronita?
izabela12345i: imediat
izabela12345i: de ce?
izabela12345i: mulțumesc
Mari2359: cu placere
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