Engleza, întrebare adresată de cata01603, 8 ani în urmă

Tradu din romania in engleză următoarele propozitii:

De cat timp dorm copiii?

Ai încercat vreodata sa-l aduci?

Arthur exersează la pian de la ora opt.

Ce vor face frații tai după ce termină școala?

Noi muncim in grădină de mai bine de trei ore și nu am obosit inca.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de mira388


How long have children been sleeping?

Have you ever tried to bring him in?

Arthur practices piano at eight o'clock.

What will your brothers do after they finish school?

We've been working in the garden for over three hours and haven't tired yet.

Răspuns de dianadinescu


1) How long have the kids been sleep ?

2) Have you ever tried to bring him in ?

3) Arthur been practicing piano at eight o'clock .

4) What will your brothers do when they finish school .

5) We've been working in the garden for over three hours and I'm not tried yet

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