Tradu in engleză
"Pentru că vor veni mulți turiști pentru a vizita locul"
"In țara mea turiștii cauzează probleme precum mersul in locuri interzise sau aruncatul gunoaielor pe jos"
"Ne fac țara mai cunoscută si ajuta la venirea altor turiști"
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Răspuns de
Because many tourists will come to visit the place
In my country tourists cause problems such as walking in forbidden places or throwing garbage down.
Make us the most known country and help to bring other tourists
In my country tourists cause problems such as walking in forbidden places or throwing garbage down.
Make us the most known country and help to bring other tourists
hei, ma mai poti ajuta cu ceva te rog?
Răspuns de
Because many tourists will come and visit the place
In my country tourists cause problems such as walking in forbidden places or throwing litter on the ground.
They make our country known and help us to bring other tourists.
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