Engleza, întrebare adresată de mimin11, 9 ani în urmă

tradu in engleza textul: Intr-o zi m-am simtit rau si am mers la doctor cu mama.Ma durea capul foarte tare.Doctorul m-a consultat si a vazut ca am temperatura ridicata.Mi-a prescris o reteta si am mers la farmacie sa o luam.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Utilizator anonim
One day I felt ill and went to the doctor with a headache very tare.Doctorul mama.Ma consulted me and saw that I ridicata.Mi temperature prescribed recipe and went to the pharmacy to take .sper ca te-am ajutat succes pup
Răspuns de deecta
One day I felt bad and I went to the doctor with my mother.I had a big headache, The doctor consulted me and saw that I had fever. He prescribed me a recipe and I went to the pharmacy to buy it.

mimin11: mersi
samuelracaru: ONE DAY I FELT AND I WENT TO THE DOCTOR WITH MY MOTHER.I hat a big headache,the doctor consulted me saw that i had fever .He prescribed me a recipe and i went to the pharmacy to buy it
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