Engleza, întrebare adresată de bacsandika, 9 ani în urmă

Tradu-mi te rog urmatoarele propozitii:
1.He made his discovery while he was having a bath. 2. When they went in the shed,they saw a strange blue light. 3. After finishing his exams,he went on holiday. 4. He hasn't found a job since he left university. 5. Bofore he could say anything,she left. 6. During his Christmas holiday,he started painting again. 7. We played football for a couple of hours. Afterwards we went back to Kevin's house. 8. At this time she became very interested in photography. 9. Several years later I met my old maths teacher at a school reunion. 10. By the time I see you again I will have had my 16th birthday. 11. She'd previously always got top marks in her school tests. 12. I need to leave earlier than you so I can't give you a lift home. 13. I'll meet you at 8p.m. this evening. In the meantime I 'm going to phone a few people. 14. The phone rang as I was walking out of the front door. 15. Following his visit to China he spent a few days in Korea.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de busecosmin
1)El a facut descoperirea in timp ce facea o baie
2)Cand ei au mers in hambar au vazut o ciudata lumina albastra
3)Dupa ce a terminat cu examenele a mers in vacanta
4)El nu a gasit de munca de cand a parasit universitatea(cu sens de abandon)
5)Inainte ca el sa spuna ceva,ea a plecat
6)In timpul vacantei de Craciun el a inceput sa picteze din now
7)Noi am jucat fotbal pret de cateva ore
8)In timpul acesta ea a devenit foarte interesata de fotografie(fotografie cu sens de activitate nu de poze)
9)Cativa ani mai tarziu mi-am revazut batranul meu profesor de matematica la o reuniune la scoala
10)Pana cand sa te vad din nou voi avea a 16 zi de nastere
11)Inaintea de asta ea tot timpul lua cele mai mari note in testele de la scoala
12)Trebuie sa plec mai devreme decat tine asa ca nu voi putea sa te duc acasa cu masina
13)O sa ne intalnim la 8 in aceasta seara.Cand ne vom intalni voi suna cativa oameni
14)Telefonul a sunat in timp ce iseam pe usa din fata.
15)In drumus vizitei sale in China a petrecut cateva zile in Korea
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