Tradu-mi te rog urmatoarele propozitii:
Sir Isaac Newton is thought by many modern scientists to be the greatest scientist who ever lived. He was born in England in 1642 and came from a family of farmers. His father died several months before he was born. Three years following/later his mother remarried and moved to a nearby village leaving Isaac with his grandmother.
Most of his discoveries were made while/during he was studying at Cambridge University in the 1660s. At this time/By the time he was very poor and had to work as a servant. As/Previously people realised how clever he was he rose to become professor of mathematics at the university. In 1687 he wrote a very famous book called Principia on gravity and the laws that make objects move.
A little time after/afterwards he wrote this he was made a member of parliament. However in the meantime/while he was in government he only spoke once and that was to ask someone to open the Window.
Răspunsuri la întrebare
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Rezolvarea exerciţiului:
Sir Isaac Newton is thought by many modern scientists to be the greatest scientist who ever lived. He was born in England in 1642 and came from a family of farmers. His father died several months before he was born. Three years later his mother remarried and moved to a nearby village leaving Isaac with his grandmother.
Most of his discoveries were made while he was studying at Cambridge University in the 1660s. At this time he was very poor and had to work as a servant. As people realised how clever he was he rose to become professor of mathematics at the university. In 1687 he wrote a very famous book called Principia on gravity and the laws that make objects move.
A little time after he wrote this, he was made a member of parliament. However while he was in government he only spoke once and that was to ask someone to open the window.
Traducerea textului:
Sir Isaac Newton este considerat de numeroşi oameni de ştiinţă contemporani cel mai mare om de ştiinţă care a trăit vreodată. S-a născut în Anglia în 1642 şi provenea dintr-o familie de fermieri. Tatăl său a murit cu câteva luni înainte de naşterea sa. După trei ani, mama lui s-a recăsătorit şi s-a mutat într-un saut din apropiere, lăsându-l pe Isaac în grija bunicii lui.
Majoritatea descoperirilor sale au fost făcute în timpul studiilor la Universitatea Cambridge în anii 1660. La acea vreme era foarte sărac şi trebuia să lucreze ca funcţionar. Deoarece oamenii şi-au dat seama cât era de inteligent, a făcut eforturi pentru a deveni profesor de matematică la universitate. În 1687, a scris o carte foarte celebră, intitulată "Principii ale gravităţii şi legile care determină mişcarea obiectelor".
La puţin timp după ce a scris-o, el a fost făcut membru în parlament. Cu toate acestea, cât timp a fost în parlament, nu a vorbit decât o dată şi atunci a fost să roage pe cineva să deschidă fereastra.