Engleza, întrebare adresată de karina1399, 8 ani în urmă

Traduce ti in romana va rog, am nevoie urgent, si sa fie corect!

Dear Miki
Thanks for your last letter. Sorry I've taken
ages to write back but T've been really
busy I've got so much to tell you!
I've seen some good films recently, including
the new 'Lord of the Rings' film. I really enjoyed it .Have you seen it? I've also done
quite a lot of shopping. I went to a new sports shop and bought some really cool
trainers. You'd love them! And you'll never
believe what I did last weekend. I went
sking in Scotland! It was great. I didn't know that there was such good snow and
sking there. My family came over from Germany and we went together. We had a
really good time
Say hello to your family from me. Don't forget to write soon. I miss you!
lots of love

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de manuupn


Draga Miki

Multumesc pentru ultima ta scrisoare, scuze ca mi a luat ceva timp sa iti raspund, dar am fost foarte ocupata, am atatea lucruri sa iti spun!

Am vazut niste filme bune recent, incluzand si noul film "stapanul inelelor". Chiar mi-a placut. L-ai vazut? Am facut de asemenea putin mai multe cumparaturi. Am fost intr un magazin sport nou si mi-am cumparat niste traininguri foarte tari. Le ai adora! Si nu o sa ti vina sa crezi ce am facut weekend ul trecut. Am fost sa schiez in Scotia! A fost minunat. Nu am stiut ca acolo e zapada asa de buna si ca se schiaza acolo. Familia mea a venit peste noapte din Germania si am mers impreuna. Chiar ne am distrat

Spune i "buna" familiei tale din partea mea. Nu uita sa imi scrii curand. Imi e dor de tine!

Multa dragoste


karina1399: Mersi
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