1 Ploua
2 Ploua de doua ore
3 A plouat timp de doua ore
4 In Anglia ploua in fiecare zi
5 Ploua de la ora trei
6 Am sperat intotdeauna ca ma va intelege,dar dupa cum se poarta vad ca nu
7 I-am explicat deja ca nu am terminat inca rochia pe care am de gand sa o port la bal
8 Ti-am spus de cateva ori ca nu o sa vrea sa vorbeasca cu tine despre ce a facut in ultima vreme
9 Nu este prima data cand vi aici asa ca nu e nevoie sa imi arati imprejurimile.Le cunosc de mult timp
10 Te rog sa srvesti prajituri.Le-am facut special pentru tine,desi nu am mai facut prajituri de ani de zile
11 Te astept de lunea trecuta si tu apari tocmai acum.Ce-i cu tine?
12 A fost intotdeauna un om foarte zgrcit,de aceea nu l-a placut nimeni
13 De cand a plecat ma gandesc mereu la tot felul de lucruri.Ce se intampla in ultima vreme?
nimic nu mai este ca inainte.
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Răspuns de
1.It's raining.
2.Raining two hours.
3.It rainet for two hours.
4.In England it raint every day.
5.Raining at three.
6.I always hoped that I would understrand , but as I see that there is carries.
7.I have explained that I have not yet finished the dress I going to wear to the prom.
8.I told a few times not to talk to you about what he has done latery.
9.Not the first time you come here to show my surroundings .They know for a long time.
10.Please.They have to serve cakes made especially for you,although i have not made cakes for years.
11.You expect and you show just last Monday heck is wrong with you?
12.He has always been a stingy man , why not liked anyone.
13.Since leaving me always thinking about all sorts of things happening.What latery?
Nothing is as before. Imi dai coroana?
2.Raining two hours.
3.It rainet for two hours.
4.In England it raint every day.
5.Raining at three.
6.I always hoped that I would understrand , but as I see that there is carries.
7.I have explained that I have not yet finished the dress I going to wear to the prom.
8.I told a few times not to talk to you about what he has done latery.
9.Not the first time you come here to show my surroundings .They know for a long time.
10.Please.They have to serve cakes made especially for you,although i have not made cakes for years.
11.You expect and you show just last Monday heck is wrong with you?
12.He has always been a stingy man , why not liked anyone.
13.Since leaving me always thinking about all sorts of things happening.What latery?
Nothing is as before. Imi dai coroana?
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