Engleza, întrebare adresată de alina521, 9 ani în urmă

Traducere in engleza
" Spun asta pentru ca in urma cu un an eram la pământ. Totul era negativ in jurul meu. Gândurile mele erau negative. Pana când am realizat cât rau îmi făceam. Așa ca am spus "stop", și cu multa încredere in mine, și curaj, am reușit sa ma schimb. Am devenit o varianta mai buna a mea. Am devenit o persoana mai buna."
Cât de corecta va rog

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de ana1107
I'm telling that because 1 year ago I was on the ground.Everything was negative in my round
my thoughts were negative.Till I realize that makes me bad. I said stop and with many trust in myself and brave I won it to change myself.I became a good version of mine.I became a better person
Răspuns de C05E
"I say the because a year ago I was on the ground.Everything was negative around me.
My throughts were negative.When I realized how bad I was doing.So I said "stop",and with much confidence in me,and courage,I managed to change.I became a better option for myself.I became a better person".
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